
Everyone’s story is different. Every context is different. Every Learning Journey is unique.

Cleo and James are based upon archetypes developed through our extensive research; they are typical of the unique people that we meet.

Sonja’s story is her own, created by her, told by her, and shared with her permission. If you really want to understand how Wild can transform your life, listen to Sonja.  

Exemplar Profile - Cleo

Based on archetypes developed through research

Learning Power profiles create the relational conditions for turning self-understanding into strategies for change

‘Cleo’ has recently returned to work after a planned career break.

Rather than return to her old job, she has joined a new team, and her role and responsibilities have changed.

At her performance review, she got excellent ratings from her manager, however, he noted that she needed to develop her confidence, particularly when working with others.

  • Cleo has struggled to build relationships  with the new team, many of whom have worked together for several years.

  • As she is working in a new area, she also feels unsure of herself

  • Whilst she was grateful for her manager’s reassurance, she wonders whether she made a mistake in returning to a managerial role, and whether she might be happier with fewer responsibilities.

  • She’s scared that she won’t do a good enough job so often procrastinates. Someone once told her she was a perfectionist but she doesn’t agree with this because she doesn’t think she’s perfect at all. 

  • Cleo is a sociable person, who cares about her friends, but she doesn’t talk to them about her struggles with work because she feels that they’re all smarter than her and would think she was incompetent.

Exemplar Profile - James

Based on archetypes developed through research

The most powerful strategy for cultural change and improved performance is a peer coaching triad, aligned to shared business strategy

James knew he wanted to be a manager from a young age.

His ambition is to be a CEO by the time he’s 40. He’s known as an innovator and his positive outlook is infectious.  He has a talent for working well with others, and bringing together diverse ideas to create a plan of action.

He’s known as an innovator an innovator and his positive outlook is infectious. He has a talent for working well with others and bringing together diverse ideas to create a plan of action.

Despite his creative ideas, James struggles with the processes required to put them into action. He finds it difficult to put business plans together. His arguments are often lacking in critical thinking and his financial plans are often superficial.

James tends to delegate the work that he is not comfortable doing himself. Whilst this is an effective use of his time, it means that he doesn’t always have the depth of knowledge he needs to successfully influence key decision makers.

James often finds it difficult to tolerate uncertainty on projects, preferring to ’pin it all down’ as soon as possible.

Sonja’s Learning Journey

Sonja worked in a water company in finance and IT.

Her learning journey was focused on enabling the business to achieve its priorities through better decision making and oversight.

The challenge she took on, with her team, was:

Making IT governance ‘easy’ while maintaining transparency

Using learning power and systems thinking skills she analysed the context, identified the problems and, in the light of that analysis, proposed new solutions to test and refine. At her ‘pitch and present’ event she proposed her solution on a poster to business leaders and told her story of significant change, accompanied by the evidence of a ‘before and after’ learning power profile.

She articulated an ‘inside out’ story of significant change as well as making a unique and measurable contribution to the strategic goals of the business.