Graduate Employability Skills
Graduates often enter the workplace without the values, attitudes, skills and dispositions which are needed for the future of work. These future capabilities include self-leadership, learning relationships and thinking skills for solving real world challenges. This means that business needs to find ways to develop personal qualities such as entrepreneurial mindsets, personal resilience and adaptive capacity, digital literacy and global perspectives and values.
Very wanted to create a sustainable learning experience for a brand new cohort of Graduates which would encourage them to become change makers, innovators and future leaders.
We facilitated a cohort of Very Graduates in their own learning journeys which focused on a chosen real time business innovation challenge in their area of business responsibility.
We supported the managers of graduates in understanding WILD learning journeys and learning power so they, in turn, were able to support the new graduates under their care.
Facilitated WILD Learning Journeys which developed Self-Leadership, Learning Relationships and Thinking Skills for Complex Problem Solving with a cohort of graduates.
Graduates identified a real time Business Sustainability Challenge that they cared about and developed practical solutions for the business.
Held regular ‘Learning Together’ and ‘Coaching-for-Learning’ sessions.
Showcased the graduates’ innovative solutions to business leaders together with their stories of significant change.
Supported managers in developing their own learning power and coaching-for-learning skills with their graduates.
Graduates understood themselves as learners and innovators and integrated that self-knowledge with their performance on the job.
Graduates experienced coaching-for-learning relationships as peers and became skilled at learning together.
Each graduate presented their solution to a Business Sustainability Challenge to managers and executives.
Managers became more fluent in supporting new graduates to align their personal development to business values and strategy.